Dearest Mason,
Just within 2 days, you’ve heard Mommy and Daddy talking about the scary events that happened right here in our community and in Orlando. Bad guys with guns. The lady in the cafe was asking me my thoughts, and you overheard. The sheriffs and news vans are still all over our neighborhoods, and you asked me why. Cities all over the world are showing their rainbow pride on the news, and you’re curious.
Buddy, all I can tell you is that I want nothing more than to protect you from this big, bad world. I think about your kind, loving, too-big-for-your-body heart and it brings tears to my eyes that you have to comprehend such big tragedies at such a sweet, tender age, because Mommy can’t even comprehend it herself.
There are a lot of beautiful people in this world doing incredible things. But there are also bad guys and girls who do bad things. Mommy would do anything to shield your eyes from this, but I’m afraid you will continue to see things like this all throughout your lifetime. So I want to tell you something important…
Please love everyone. Be kind to everyone you meet. When bad guys do bad things, pray for them, even if you can’t understand their choices. And hear me on this…bad guys with guns will never win. Bad guys with mean words will never win. Bad guys with knives will never win. Bad guys with hate will never win. Always remember that you believe in something much bigger than their hate.
There are people in the world who take care of the bad guys. Their job is to protect us, stopping the bad guys, and fighting for our freedom to be good and do good. Your job, my sweet boy, is to spread love. Only love. Be the good guy. Spread your kindness so far and wide that it seeps into the holes of hate people spread. You will come across many people who are different from you. Very different. Don’t love them any less. Every human you meet has a beating heart, just like you, no matter how different they are, it’s your job to be the good guy. So please, always love.
Help your friends-
Pray for others-
Be respectful-
Spread love-
Be kind, always-
Those are the only things I want you to remember, everyday. Those are the most important things. Don’t lose sight of the great big spirit of love you have at your young age. Carry it with you forever.
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