Halloween is just around the corner which means we’ll all be getting ready for Trick-or-Treaters! I decided to round up a few alternative ideas to candy to hand out to those costumed kiddos! These 10 non-candy fun Halloween treats are sure to please those sweet kids that ring your doorbell Halloween night.
Now, I’m not against giving kids sugary sweets, but I just think there are other great options out there for those of us who don’t like handing out candy. I always worry about contributing to cavities and I definitely worry about food allergies. With these non-candy alternatives, you can still participate in trick-or-treating, and still be giving kids something fun without worrying about artificial food dye, allergies, and sugar.
A lot of these items are extremely cost-effective and won’t break the bank. The non-candy treats are great for door-to-door Halloween go’ers or they make a great addition to treat bags you can pass out to your preschooler’s friends at school.
10 Non-Candy Fun Halloween Treats
*This post contains affiliate links for your easy shopping convenience. Images credit: Amazon*
Mini Halloween Slinkys
Mini Playdoh
Stretchy Skeletons
Wind Up Toys
Halloween Rings
Glow Sticks
Halloween Tattoos
Coloring Books
Mini Notepads
Slap Bracelets
There you have it! Our roundup of 10 Non-Candy Halloween Treats! Happy Trick-or-Treating!
What do you usually hand out to your trick-or-treaters?
I actually like this idea. I think the children will enjoy those alternatives as well. I actually think I will do this, this year. Thank you.
You’re so welcome NaTasha! Thanks for reading 🙂