Easter is such a traditional holiday, and involves favorites such as Good Friday service, egg hunts, baskets and bonnets, and eye dyeing. One of my favorite Easter traditions is dyeing Easter eggs! I'm so excited to share with you this Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs recipe. I can remember being a little girl, dyeing eggs with my sister and cousins, eggs all over the place...just having the time of … [Read more...]
Play Dough Easter Eggs
I love setting up "invitations to play" for little ones. And with Easter so close, it's the perfect time to set up this invitation to play: Play Dough Easter Eggs. An invitation to play is just what it sounds like. It's a way to invite your child to play with the materials set out for them. You provide the materials, and your child spends time playing with the materials as they choose. … [Read more...]
25 Awesome Easter Egg Decorating Ideas for Kids
One of my favorite things to do at Easter time is decorate eggs. I buy 2 or 3 dozens of eggs, hard boil them, and then let the dyeing and decorating begin. Easter egg decorating is just so fun! If you're like me, you're used to the old fashioned way. You know, buy the box kit, and set out 6 bowls to hold the color tabs and vinegar. This year, we’re looking for something a bit different. I … [Read more...]